本帖最后由 我相 于 2013-10-31 15:50 编辑
[flash]http://www.xiami.com/widget/24562228_1769995694/singlePlayer.swf[/flash]Freak of Nature歌手:Chris Croker传说中他雌雄同体【其实就是异装癖或者说伪娘啦[fold=慎戳][/fold]诶#32t我也不知道说些什么昨天为了上传这首歌到半夜。。。今天纠结了一天它的分类【版主帮我分类它吧!这首歌对于我来说就是我说的sexy分类歌词露骨歌手变态呻吟四起昨天看一个推荐,说到歌呻吟是一种病,喜欢听呻吟也是一种病不过身为一个病人
我坦然世界总是需要不正常的人来证明正常的人的存在所以I'm a freak我放纵我节制我懦弱我勇敢都是我我可以做正常人不能和不愿做的事情活着就是of nature[fold=歌词]Freak of Nature LyricsIt’s
Chris CrockerThey say
I’m a freak of nature and I think they’re right
.I want you now and I ain’t asking you, bitch please
No I’m too proud and you’re down begging on your knees
I think it’s hot when I pin you down, pull your hair
I’ll have you screaming like a freaking nightmare
Getting ready for the club
Sexy but it isn’t love
I’m just a freak, freakI’m just a freak, freak
Thrust our bodies up and down
Wanna kiss your playground
I’m just a freak, freak I’m just a freak
Baby, read my lips
I’m a freak of nature
Wanna go all night
Baby, come taste the dangerTurn it up tonight
Come on, take a bite
I’m a freak, freak, freak
I’m just a freak of nature
Our sounds are getting loud and I am covering your screams
From the couch to the ground the sleezing in the streets
They called the cops, but baby, we’re not scared
They’ll just pat us down and touch us down there
Getting ready for the club
Sexy but it isn’t loveI’m just a freak, freak
I’m just a freak, freak
Thrust our bodies up and down
Wanna kiss your playground
I’m just a freak, freak I’m just a freak
Baby read my lips
I’m a freak of nature
Wanna go all night
Baby, come taste the danger
Turn it up tonightCome on, take a bite
I’m a freak, freak, freak,
I’m just a freak of nature
Yeah, slow it down
Everyone’s got me thinks to say
But no one’s gonna rain on my parade
I’m much more
Much more than you think
You’re just the freak
sYou’re just the freaking haters
Getting ready for the club
Sexy but it isn’t love
I’m just freak, freak
I’m just a freak, freak
Thrust our bodies up and down
Wanna kiss your playground
I’m just a freak, freak
I’m just a freak
Baby read my lips
I’m a freak of nature
Wanna go all night,Baby, come taste the danger
Turn it up tonight
Come on, take a bite
I’m a freak, freak, freak
I’m just a freak of nature
Us freaks are endangered species
So let’s live it up to the fullest
Live it up
What you got to say?
Turn it up tonight
Come on, take a bite
I’ma a freak, freak, freak
I’m just a freak of nature
Freak of nature
It’s Chris CrockerAnd what?Bitch, please.[/fold]
Quuu 发表于 2013-10-19 22:02这才是真正的脑残粉啊
Quuu 发表于 2013-10-19 20:42我对他的印象就是从他那个视频开始的哈哈哈哈哈。。然后再也忘不了那蠢样了。。。 ...