本帖最后由 燃烧的指环 于 2012-12-24 21:33 编辑
其实这曲子来自Home Alone(小鬼当家),这个系列电影大家或多或少应该都看过吧。每一部讲的都是圣诞节那天一队不幸的窃贼跑到一个神奇儿童家里挨打的故事……小时候还挺喜欢看的@ou#
作曲者是大名鼎鼎的John Williams ,什么?没听过?《星球大战》、《侏罗纪公园》、《夺宝奇兵》、《辛德勒名单》《E·T》……总有一个看过吧@8#配乐就是他了@88#
[fold=歌词]Candles in the window,
shadows painting the ceiling,
gazing at the fire glow,
feeling that gingerbread feeling.
Precious moments,
special people,
happy faces,
I can see.
Somewhere in my mem'ry,
Christmas joys all around me,
living in my mem'ry,
all of the music,
all of the magic,
all of the fam'ly home here with me.[/fold]
[fold]@据说自称 @應月待曉 @hc.silver_.. @+10086 @甚没钱 @浑狱弥 @撒哈拉大企鹅 @中二の华丽酱 @morphine @百里叮 @拖延症有所好转 @Hennessy_Los [/fold]