


Firmware 3.01 available – Some usermode exploits fixed, …

[size=0.8em]December 10, 2013 in PS Vita, release, security, TN Hen by The Z | 244 comments


… this little devil of a Firmware patched again some (at least 2) usermode exploits. This time two games were patched, one that wasn’t used at all, it just functioned as a hello world, and one game, that might got leaked some weeks ago. But what about our kernel mode relase and TN-V4? Well …

It was confirmed that the kernel mode exploit and TN-V4 are still fully working at the new Firmware 3.01, even though we still have to check if really everything is working fine.

For those of you, that already known about the upcoming ninja release usermode exploit game, don’t worry! Our announced ninja release usermode exploit game is still working and starting TN-V4 with it is still possible. We were lucky!

It is still weird, those patched games I am talking about, at least one of these games was never mentioned anywhere, it wasn’t leaked and it did no harm to anyone. It was not capable of running a Vita Half Byte Loader nor capable to be used as a launcher for TN-V4, it was just usable for a simple Hello World. Well, gone is gone.

We can be lucky that both, TN-V4 and the (soon to be announced) ninja release usermode exploit game are still working. If you did not get the exploit game, you should better hurry, before Sony releases a Firmware 3.02 which could patch it (, if you know which game you have to get).




