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本次psv系统升级后,预计原定的TN-V4的自制系统的放出也接近了,目前,wololo在他的官方博客上面像大家预热了此消息,以及本次自制系统对应的漏洞游戏。有money的同学们可以先把这些游戏买下来,然后静等自制系统发布了,以免导致游戏被封堵或者是下架。不同服务器的人群请注意下载不同的游戏,以免出现各种奇怪的问题。下面本人将对本次预热文章进行转载以及翻译,请大家做好心理准备,喝口茶,然后端起小v,开始了! PS Vita FW 3.01 Exploit Game for TNV4 announced (and 5 chances to get it for free!)
[size=0.8em]December 14, 2013 in PS Vita, security, TN Hen by wololo | 313 comments
TL,DR: Buy one of the 2 games below on the PSN, install it on your Vita, and make sure it runs properly. Then sit back and wait, as soon as TotalNoob releases TN-V4, we’ll have download links for you!
Hmmm, so, I was supposed to type something funny in there, about how I am secretly working for Sony, and convinced several hackers to work with me. Then say we successfully got Sony to patch about 30 exploits in their last 2 firmwares, but that a mistake happened and some games are still exploitable.
额,-________-'' ,于是俺被人指出需要在此时此刻写点有意思的东西出来,当然,是关于我是如何秘密的为索尼工作的,以及说服了很多黑客为我工作。后来又说我们成功使得索尼在最近两次系统升级的时候填上了差不多三十多个漏洞。但是那只是发生了一个失误,而且仍然有一些游戏是有漏洞可循的。(国外也是有无脑黑的,嗯,看来如果这群无脑黑继续攻击wololo的话,psv破解估计就真的搁置了,索尼就真的开心了)
But as I type this, it’s like 1am here, and my sense of humor has already gone to bed it seem. So I’ll keep it short:
Today we are announcing the name of an exploitable PSP game (actually 2 games, see below) that can be used to run TotalNoob’s TN-V4 on any Vita running firmware 3.01 or below.
As usual when we do such an announcement, we expect Sony to remove the game from the PSN store within hours of the announcement. So if you are interested in TN-V, grab the game now, not later today.
WHAT IS TN-V, AND WHY DO I NEED TO BUY A GAME FOR IT?(tnv是啥,还有为啥我得为了这货买个游戏?)
TN-V is a PSP Custom firmware running within the PSP emulator of the Playstation Vita. Sounds complicated? To simplify, it lets you run PSP homebrews, PSP plugins, PSP isos on your Playstation Vita. In order to run, TN-V requires a hack, which is triggered through vulnerabilities in some official games. In order to be able to install and run TN-V on your 3.01 PS Vita, you will need to buy, download and install the game below. Although TN-V is free, the exploitable game costs money.
It goes without saying that we are not getting a dime on the money you pay for the game, so why do I need to give this precision? Well there’s a catch: TN-V has not been released yet, and I myself have never been given the opportunity to test it. So, you’re basically buying an exploitable psp game based on a promise I make in good faith, that trusted people have confirmed to me TN-V will run through this exploit. But really, this announce comes with no guarantee. That being said, it’s the 12th release or so we’ve made in a similar fashion over the past 18 months, so I’m confident.
Moving on…
There are actually 2 exploitable games announced today. One is for Japan, the other one is for other countries. Please note that recent information from some beta testers is that TN-V appears to be unstable on JP accounts, for some reason. I do not know how widespread the issue is, if it can be fixed, and if TN will fix it.
Here are the 2 exploitable games:
Those are both PSP games, not vita games!
Sadly for you guys in Australia / New Zealand, it seems none of the games above is available on the NZ or AU PSN. You have a choice to wait for a future release (although we don’t know at this point if there will be anything like that in ages), or to create a US PSN account and grab the game there (my personal recommendation).
SO WHAT’S NEXT?(然后下一步呢?)
What you need to do now is buy one of the 2 games above on the PSN, download and install it on your Vita, then wait for TotalNoob to release his Custom Firmware. Although I would love to give you some sort of promise here, I want to emphasize once again that I do not have access to TN’s exploit and do not entirely know what his schedule is. So stay tuned for that.
Lots of people contributed to making the announce today a success. I’m sure this looks like a simple blog post to most people, and lots of the readers here probably don’t understand why it takes us so long to make such a simple announcement. You’d be amazed at the amount of logistics required to make sure everything goes smooth during the few weeks of a ninja release (members of our forums have been aware of these games for up to a few weeks already, this is our way of making sure our community does have enough time to purchase the exploitable game).
So I’d like to thank a few people here: TotalNoob of course for being the one guy in the PSP scene who still cares enough to share a Kernel exploit and an updated Custom Firmware with the PSP Scene. Xerpi and Patchouli who generously provided their exploits in 101-in-1 megamix and Katekyo Hitman respectively. Qwikrazor87 and 173210 who ported these exploits to a TN-V compatible loader. Mamosuke, Acid_snake and Hackinformer who have been helping a lot with coordinating a bunch of things, and of course the mods team at /talk who have been mitigating the early leaks for this announcement.
WIN A $10 PSN CODE!(反正跟我们无关,wololo的福利。这点money咱还是有的。。。)
Last but not least, a quick giveaway:
Every time we announce an exploited game for the Vita, I get my share of people whining that the games are too expensive, or that their wallet is empty and they won’t have money this week, or that they live in a country which doesn’t even have access to the PSN, or whatnot….
As a reminder, I am not making any money when Sony sells you a game with an exploit. That being said, I’ll help: If you’ve been following, I’ve already given away $100 worth of PSN Codes to 10 lucky winners over the past weeks. If you missed those, be sure to follow this blog and my twitter account regularly, so next time you’ll already have the money ready in your wallet (you’ll notice how a $10 PSN Card is exactly what you need to get the exploited game in the US).
And I’m adding 5 more winners this week, which will bring the total to a cool $150. Follow me on twitter and retweet this tweet about the release for a chance to win one of the five $10 PSN Codes.
I’ll announce the winners within 24h to give them a fair chance to grab the game before Sony removes it. Of course, if you can actually afford the game now, I suggest you grab it asap (and if you win the $10 PSN code tomorrow, you’ll use it on something else, dammit! )
Ok, now stay tuned for TN’s release! Hopefully it will be out pretty soon.
大家就等着tn大大放出他的psv 下的psp自制系统的最新版本吧。现在psv破解也不好过了,自从中国无脑黑骂走了某大神后,貌似索尼这边的破解进度一直很慢了。恭喜你们,为你们只有免费的sample玩又做出了一大贡献。现在貌似国外也开始有无脑黑了,只能希望wololo这次能顶住压力,还有,干脆这个博客只能转载,不能留言提问神马的,这样不就清静很多,大家有需要的去下载,有想法的自行联系作者,有抱怨的一边完蛋去。。。 另外,最近新闻里说国内收入比较高的职业里面有专业骂客,估计无脑黑都是收钱了干没良心的事情的烂人。。。我去拾破烂挣钱都比你们收钱骂人要强很多倍(更何况俺不是收破烂的),祝你们被牛头马面接走以后下的油锅里的油温多高几度!查看回复


众所周知的,索尼最近更新了3.01的系统版本,丧心病狂啊,不是说没有新版本更新了么,这又开始了,搞咩啊,伤不起啊,想知道为啥,看本期wololo啊!!! 注:本期纯翻译,吐槽见后面。。。 Firmware 3.01 available – Some usermode exploits fixed, …
[size=0.8em]December 10, 2013 in PS Vita, release, security, TN Hen by The Z | 244 comments
… this little devil of a Firmware patched again some (at least 2) usermode exploits. This time two games were patched, one that wasn’t used at all, it just functioned as a hello world, and one game, that might got leaked some weeks ago. But what about our kernel mode relase and TN-V4? Well …
It was confirmed that the kernel mode exploit and TN-V4 are still fully working at the new Firmware 3.01, even though we still have to check if really everything is working fine.
For those of you, that already known about the upcoming ninja release usermode exploit game, don’t worry! Our announced ninja release usermode exploit game is still working and starting TN-V4 with it is still possible. We were lucky!
It is still weird, those patched games I am talking about, at least one of these games was never mentioned anywhere, it wasn’t leaked and it did no harm to anyone. It was not capable of running a Vita Half Byte Loader nor capable to be used as a launcher for TN-V4, it was just usable for a simple Hello World. Well, gone is gone.
We can be lucky that both, TN-V4 and the (soon to be announced) ninja release usermode exploit game are still working. If you did not get the exploit game, you should better hurry, before Sony releases a Firmware 3.02 which could patch it (, if you know which game you have to get).


来啦,每一条新闻我发一楼,一共连续发那么几楼,我就不屠版了 杉田智和生日PSV故障 中村悠一速买新机赠送



  不过,如果各位玩家觉得这个欢乐的事情到此结束就大错特错了。在节目结束,杉田智和入浴消除疲劳之后,开始查看中村悠一为他购买的掌机。结果令人哭笑不得的是,这居然是一台PSP GO!这是不是该算是恶作剧呢?当然好搭档的这份心意,相信各位玩家都有共识。#26t

昂,俺也想要一个送我psv的小伙伴,虽然俺已经有了,不过送 俩游戏神马的也行是吧!



[i=s] 本帖最后由 s_ki11 于 2013-4-11 11:49 编辑 = =html5 各大视频网站代码里都有。。。 但只有识别你的浏览器后才跳出播放器。 因为PSV的浏览器并不主流(这是事实) 所以各大视频网站都没有针对PSV的浏览器进行识别。 不过我们可以用javascript进行调用。(以上原理是我猜的) 方法来自:http://bbs.duowan.com/thread-31325921-1-1.html 1.首先用VITA浏览器登录这个网页地址 zythum.sinaapp.com/youkuhtml5playerbookmark/ 2.然后长按住“YouKu HTML5 Player”这个框,弹出开启,再点下开启;浏览器地址就会出现一些变化。 将新javascript地址保存为书签! 3.好的,这时候就可以进入AB站,或者youku、新浪、土豆什么的。随意点开一个视频。 在点开了视频网页播放页面后,再点选到之前保存的书签。 4.见证奇迹的时刻:你刚刚看的视频网页里,会弹出HTML5的流视频播放窗! 5.然后播放吧,不用怀疑了。这就是你想要的。


[i=s] 本帖最后由 s_ki11 于 2013-4-11 13:54 编辑 PSV于今日(2013年4月10日)迎来小规模系统更新,经过本次的系统更新,版本将变为2.10版。以下是本次更新的具体内容:   1、已可在主界面使用文件夹来管理应用程序的图标。   2、“浏览器”已支持播放网站上的视频(不支持部分视频)。   3、“Email”已支持显示HTML形式的信息。   4、“Email”已可为一个联系人添加多个Email地址。   5、可自动升级PlayStation Mobile规格软件(需先加入PlayStation Plus)。   6、可使用PSV主机按键操作的应用程序已增加,包括“浏览器”、“内容管理”、“Email”、“near”和“遥控操作”。   7、已可在主画面的信息列确认目前正插入哪张PSV卡。 国内大部分网站依旧无法在PSV上直接播放 如果非要让PSV能看flash在这里获得解决方案。 技术杀大人教你更新2.10后看B站视频!


[i=s] 本帖最后由 kesaan 于 2013-3-26 11:57 编辑 从3月27日开始至4月30日SAMURAI & DRAGONS将进行限时免费下载,这款类似桌游的PSVITA GAMES可玩性较高,本人推荐! 游戏本体在PlayStation®Store里面下载 登入遊戲然後選擇「Market」 觸碰「Content Key」圖示 輸入你的16位代碼 大礼包激活码 【本内容已隐藏,回复后刷新可见哦】 礼包可获取 UC☆克拉拉克蘭、UC☆哥布林戰士、UC☆哥布林廚師、UC☆哥布林弓箭手、10支復活藥水和5款R武器 该贴已经同步到 kesaan的微博


[i=s] 本帖最后由 雪色烛光 于 2013-11-1 22:30 编辑 1.龙之皇冠已经有中文了(这是第一条新闻,想必也是最坑爹也最没用的新闻。。。) 2.SCET目前正式宣布,《无双大蛇2:终极版》的PS3与PSV官方中文版将于2014年1月16日正式发售。已经买了的玩家都知道,本作在前作基础上增加了无限模式和仙界武器等新要素,并且增加一章全新剧情内容,喜欢无双系列的玩家不要错过,已经买了非中文版本的玩家请默哀。



2.新的素材:エンペリウムの破片”,获得方法是用“七色光沙”换取(没错,就是这个坑爹货,游戏原来只给固定的几个的那个。。。以前说这货可以换各种稀有道具,甚至是出售道具的。。。),可以用此道具换各种稀有道具 3.新的道具:诺伦票”获得方法是每日任务和线上联机任务,就是线上联机和基友一起通关就可以(小妹妹你不要跑,哥哥哥哥我来liao~) “贴”,获得方法是用“诺伦票”换,这个道具可以直接选择关卡来随机获取卡片(有人玩日服的么,求具体数据更新。。。) “古贴”,这个道具获得方式属于官方举办获得才能获得....咱们就暂时甭想了,是吧,反正也不知道是用来干嘛的。。。 5.绅士们!!!
《英雄传说:闪之轨迹》绅士之魂 女角色绝对领域大曝光






7.《如龙:维新》战斗系统 刀枪棍棒样样精通
  世嘉于本日公开了PS3/PSV游戏《如龙:维新》的最新游戏情报,本次主要介绍了游戏中各种风格的战斗系统。   在本作中主人公坂本龙马在江户锻炼了剑术,并且将左轮手枪作为自己的武器。当然除此之外龙马当然用拳来格斗的格斗技也不差,总共有“4つの型”4种战斗风格可供选择。玩家可以根据自己的喜好来选择喜欢的战斗方式。
战斗基本类型 4种
一刀之型   使用被代表武士之魂的刀来战斗。通过平时艰苦的选连,能灵活使用一击必杀的太刀。两手使用的斩击让敌人防不胜防。本作中准备了很多爽快的刀技。
短枪之型   根据史实版本龙马使用的是史密斯威森社制作的手枪。而复制了这款手枪,使用左轮手枪来战斗的方式就是“短枪之型”了。远距离的射击当然没问题,被保卫时候的背部射击以及多段射击,近身的体术等,各种各样的情况都能对应。速射性以及威力,命中精度等,在4种战斗方式中是受主人公成长和武器强化影响最大的一种。
格斗之型   使用自己的拳头来击打敌人的战斗方式。是所有无数的基本,根据身体的强化来用肉体作为武器。因为敌人多或持刀,空手挑战敌人显然不太有利。但是如果能摸清对方的攻击方式的话,也能够打出轻快的连续攻击。
乱舞之型   右手持刀,左手拿枪,无视武术概念的混合战斗方式。
8.《Jump明星乱斗》战斗系统 九喇嘛鸣人亮相
  今日南梦宫公开了旗下乱斗新作《Jump全明星乱斗(J-STARS Victory VS)》的数张游戏新图,同时为我们介绍了本作的战斗系统,其中包括玩家最期待的变身系统、支援系统以及组合攻击,一起来了解下吧! 变身   JUMP战士中有不少会在决战之时通过变身来提升力量的角色,而这种变身要素将作为游戏系统在本作中重现。   这次公布了魔族化的幽助,九喇嘛模式的鸣人,还有超级赛亚人化的孫悟空。虽然具体还不清楚,但每个角色的变身条件都有所不同。
支援   本作的战斗是以2对2的小队形式来进行,并且在每个小队中可以设置一名支援角色。在战斗中叫出支援角色的话,该角色就会以带有特殊效果的“支援行动”来援助玩家。   “支援行动”一旦使用过后就需要等一段时间才能再次使用,因此使用的时机十分重要。另外还存在支援专用的角色。
组合攻击   在两位小队成员同时锁定同一敌人的状态下,用“组合攻击启动攻击”击中敌人,就会触发“交叉连锁”,随之出现“组合攻击指示光标”,在特定时机按下△按钮就会发动“交叉破坏”,接连不断的合作攻击将给予敌人巨大损伤。
9.《魔界战记4:回归》PV 130魔界大改革识动
  日本一公司将于2014年1月30日预定发售的PSV游戏《魔界战记4:回归(魔界戦記ディスガイア4 Return)最新情报公开。此次,为大家公开本作的宣布PV第一弹。在视频中,登场角色纷纷亮相,在视频最后还为大家放出了本作的予约特典的内容。下面让我们一起来欣赏吧! <宣传PV> http://v.qq.com/page/v/1/l/v0119cjd01l.html 官方网站:http://disgaea.jp/4return/   本作是PS3游戏《魔界战记4》的重制版,在原作的基础上还追加了在《魔界战记3:回归》和《魔界战记D2》中备受好评的系统。此外本作还收录了后来所推出的全部DLC和追加剧情,包括追加剧本“风花和死亡子篇”全部4话以及“暴君巴尔巴托泽篇”全部4话的内容,此外还有23位新增固有角色(包含系列旧作以及其他游戏的主角)、6种新增泛用角色、追加系统“魔界全明星大乱斗”、“界贼审讯”,此外还包括新的武器、界贼船部件、地图以及50多首BGM。


[i=s] 本帖最后由 雪色烛光 于 2013-10-29 01:38 编辑 今天停电,很郁闷,从早上六点停到晚上11点,刚刚爬上来,好郁闷好桑心啊。。。#10t 然后上了一下wololo,还是没啥absofxxkinglutoniubility的东西发布,不过有俩新闻值得各位看官们看一下,开始转帖,灭哈哈!!!! Cross-play available between Nintendo & Sony consoles
[size=0.8em]October 28, 2013 in 3DS, Gaming, Nintendo, PS Vita, PS3 by m.rr | 17 comments
While I was reading IGN this morning I read a very interesting article on cross-play.(俺非电子工程专业人士,不过可以理解为不同厂商的软件以及应用在不同厂商的平台交互使用共享的一个balabala的idea,大概就这么凑合的看吧。。。) Personally, I think cross-play between different consoles could be a major feature for future gaming but it seems other companies have other ideas to make this happen much earlier.
So, it looks that Nintendo has given permission to Ripstone, the studio behind Pure Chess, to make cross-play possible not only between the Wii U and the 2DS/3DS but also with the other platforms in which this game will be available, like the PS Vita or PlayStation 3. Sounds great, huh? This is very incredible because, even though this is not the first time a company gives permission to the game studio to do it (see Battlefield 4 or The Division between tablets and consoles), Nintendo is still a very locked company. And what do I mean by this? That the majority of games developed for Nintendo consoles are exclusive for them. See Pokemon, Mario, etc(没办法,任天堂招牌的东西肯定不能送给别人去开发,不然人家马里奥大叔万一被恶搞穿越到索尼的游戏里面——比如杀戮地带——不小心吃了个蘑菇目标变大了,然后就轻而易举的被对方爆头▄︻┻┳═一…… ☆(>○<) 神马的。。)
So, with Nintendo giving a little boost to this, we still need to know what do Microsoft and Sony think about it, but because the architecture is “fairly” similar (as in game controls and game modes) there shouldn’t be any problem. So, what do you think? 第二篇,喜闻乐见的索尼卖萌系列,开始了,索尼暨上次卖萌送了人家一台ps4之后,这次又卖萌了,送了不少东西。。。#26t送了啥呢,请大家往下看。。The day Sony gave free lifetime Playstation+ membership to thousands of users… by mistakeOctober 27, 2013 in Gaming, PS Vita, security by wololo | 94 comments Disclaimer: the technique described below was not found by me, I merely verified it worked. I am publishing this article because the “trick” involved here has now been corrected by Sony. I was also not able to know who initially found that flaw initially, so credits go to the person who contacted me about this, someone I’ll name NC.MA for now.
A few days ago I was contacted by a person who had been transmitted a way to get unlimited Playstation Plus membership for free. I could confirm it works. I could of course not confirm that the membership is actually unlimited, but the status of my test account seems to confirm it, and I could definitely download and play Playstation Plus games with the account I created for the test.(好吧,请往下看)
As you may or may not know, Playstation Plus arrived in Brazil a few days ago. And it appears Sony have been really nice to its Brazilian users, “selling” the PS+ 1 year membership for free.(废话,巴西机子卖价格都够买一个肾了!!!!再不搞点福利让别人怎么活!!!) Maybe because their devices are so overly priced out there that the only way for them to convince people to buy a Vita is to give as many games as possible for free. That, or this was more likely just an internal test that was not supposed to be seen. I couldn’t find any official mention of this offer on the intertubes, so I’m pretty sure it was not supposed to be known. This is what the 1 Year PS+ membership subscription page looked like 2 days ago on the Brazilian Playstation Store, when accessed from a PS Vita.Independently of the reason, it was possible over the past few days to get 1 year of free PS+ subscription on the Brazilian PSN. To do so, one simply had to create a Brazilian account on their Vita, and visit the Playstation store page. (I describe here how to switch your PS Vita account, my example in the article is for the US, but you can apply the same logic for Brazil).(翻译,需要你换区成巴西区的账号,需要换账号的戳他们的链接看方法,或者去电玩巴士看相关无损转区的文章。。。)
Once the account was created, there were options in the PSN to get 1 year of PSN for free. Icing on the cake, Sony did not ask for any payment method for an automated renewal. But it does not stop here.By repeatedly clicking on the “get free” button to acquire the 1 year free membership, people were able to keep increasing the expiration date of their free “trial”. I put “trial” in quotes here, because everything points to that subscription not being a trial, but a full fledged membership that just happens to be free: The store not asking for a payment method for future renewals, the fact that one can order as many as they want to increase the expiration date, and the fact that it is not described anywhere as a promotion of any type.(大概就是说索尼又卖萌了,说可以点击后获取一年的免费ps+的会员,但是没有限制点击的次数,所以,多次点击后可以获得很多年的免费会员,。。。。)
By clicking 7 times on the button, I got myself 7 years of free Playstation plus on the Brazilian store with my experimental account, as shown in the screenshot below:(这样,这货就搞了七年巴西服务器的会员,七年,整整七年啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!)
I’m now a “lifetime” Playstation plus member, for free
Detailed steps, as initially explained to me. (Please note that as of today, this does not work, and this is the reason I’m publishing this):(操作详情如下,基本上没啥需要翻译的,我还是随便扯扯吧。。。)
  • Create a Brazilian account on the PSN store and activate your vita with it (the whole process is described here for a US account, replace US with Brazil in the explanations)(搞个巴西账号,在psv上使用)
  • In the PS Vita Settings > PSN > PS+ Automatic Update settings, check the checkbox “update automatically”
  • The Vita will then ask you to subscribe to PS+, taking you to the PSN Store, at the PS+ subscription pages
  • There are several options there, 1 year, 3 months, etc…
  • The 1 year selection gives you a choice between $99 and FREE. Select FREE(我们来无节操骗巴西区的会员了。。。)
  • Clicking “Free” several times in a row will keep increasing your subscription expiration date. In my example, I’ve clicked seven times.
  • To confirm this worked, you can check in “Services” on the PSN the expiration date of your prime plus membership. And you can of course get PS+ games, all you can eat.
The subscription bug was on the PS Vita, but the PS+ membership generated this way is, of course, valid on the PS3 as well, as I could confirm:(bug实在psv上发现并且使用的,但是ps+的会员确是通用任何平台的,所以。。。。)This was definitely not intentional from Sony, and the steps involved seem to show this was not a “free trial”, but a full fledged PS+ membership available for free, probably as part of an internal test just after the Brazil PS+ launch. This shows that although the Vita itself is extremely tough to hack, pirates can always find their way. Seems like a great example of the door lock being extremely secure, but Sony let a window open.Will my lifetime PS+ subscription magically go away overnight? Probably. This actually raises a good series of questions. Given how easy this was to achieve and find, I am going to guess many, many people found out about this over the past days, not only the small group of people who contacted me. Are Sony going to let thousands of users get away with dozens of years of free PS+ membership? Or will they cancel all of those eventually, without any message to the impacted users?It is unlikely that anybody genuinely thought they were getting a nice offer and will “complain” to Sony if these memberships get cancelled, but would Sony go as far as banning the accounts? Hopefully not, given how no hack or breach of the T&C’s was involved here, faithful Sony customers who thought they were getting a great deal might become collateral damage if that were the case.As of today, the “free” offer is gone:Credits go to NC.MA and his group for this discovery. Proof that a system is as secure as its weakest link, and that insane hacking skills are not necessary to “pirate” (Is this considered as piracy?) games on the Vita or the PS3 (hmm, or the PS4, for that matter, as I assume the membership will be valid there too). The information was also originally leaked here 好吧,曾经的我们还是需要有无节操的消息并且及时发布的, 如果我们早点拿到这个消息,大家都去巴西区的网站上骗个会员,下足够的游戏,无损转区。。。。得有多爽啊同志们!!!!!
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